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How Men and Women Deal With Stress

How Men and Women Deal With Stress

How men and women cope with stress

Goa vs Toa, Different Choices

Why Do Men Keep Quiet and Women Talk More When Stressed?

Have you ever noticed the difference in how men and women deal with problems?

When men are under stress, they tend to keep quiet.

However, when women face the same thing, they usually immediately look for people to talk to.

This phenomenon often leaves both parties confused, men are considered ignorant, while women are considered too talkative.

As it turns out, it's not just a matter of habit, but also the different ways men and women process stress.


Men: Go into a "Cave" to Think

When stressed, most men will choose to be alone.

They go into their own man cave, whether it's in their room, in front of a computer screen, or even just sitting quietly staring out the window.

Why do they do that?

Because for men, stress doesn't mean being depressed, but rather thinking.

They are trying to understand the problem and find a solution.

Silence is part of that process.

So, if your partner is suddenly quiet and doesn't talk much, it doesn't mean he doesn't care.

He just needs time to "fix the map" in his mind.


Women: The "Toa" that Brings Relief

Unlike men, women tend to immediately want to talk when faced with a problem.

They need someone to listen to their stories, be it a friend, partner, or even a family member.

The goal is not just to find a solution, but to vent their feelings so that the burden on their heart feels lighter.

After confiding in someone, they usually feel more relieved, even before the problem is solved.

This is often misunderstood.

Men think women are asking for solutions, when what they really need is a patient and supportive listener.


Learn to Understand "Goa" and "Toa"

This difference often leads to misunderstandings.

Men may feel annoyed when women talk too much, while women feel ignored when men are too quiet.

In fact, both have their own ways of coping with stress.

How can both parties understand each other?

  1. For Women: Give men time to be alone. Don't force them to talk before they are ready. But, when they finally do speak, listen attentively.
  2. For Men: Try to listen to women's concerns without rushing into solutions. Sometimes they just need to be heard, not advised.


Deal with Stress Together in the Right Way

Stress is a part of life, but the way we deal with it can vary.

Men and women have unique approaches that are equally valid.

When you and your partner understand each other's ways, the relationship becomes more harmonious.

So, are you the "go to the cave" type like most men, or the "use the toa" type like most women?

Share your experience in the comments section!

Don't forget to share this article with your friends or partner so they can understand this difference too.

Language: Bahasa Indonesia

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